Problems Completing the IAT
The following are the minimum system requirements:
WebTV is not supported at this time.
Mac users should not use Internet Explorer.
If you're still having troubles, please report the nature of your difficulties.
- Javascript must be enabled
- Cookies must be enabled
- Pop-up windows must be allowed
WebTV is not supported at this time.
Mac users should not use Internet Explorer.
If you're still having troubles, please report the nature of your difficulties.
There may have been a network error. You may want to wait and try again.
If you're still having troubles, please report the nature of your difficulties.
If you're still having troubles, please report the nature of your difficulties.
For security reasons, after about 15 minutes of inactivity, your session will expire. Unfortunately, you cannot continue the test where you left off, so if you'd like to complete the test, you'll have to start over.
If you're still having troubles, please report the nature of your difficulties.
If you're still having troubles, please report the nature of your difficulties.
Are you using Safari? If so, make sure that you are using version 1.2 or greater, or use Netscape, Firefox, or Opera instead.
When a word or picture is not classified into the appropriate category, a red X appears. Each word or picture has one and only one correct classification. For example, if you are sorting “Happy” or “Sad” and “Me” or “not Me” words, you do not decide if happy or sad words belong to “me”. All of the happy words are categorized with the “happy” key, all of the sad words are categorized with the “sad” key, all of the “me” words are categorized with the “me” key, and all of the “not me” words are categorized with the “not me” key. Sometimes, two of those categories share a single key. If you make an error in classification, the program waits for you to make the correct response before it proceeds. If this happens for only a few items, the test may still be useful for you. Nevertheless, you will be obliged to give the response expected by the applet in order for the test to proceed.
Unfortunately, we don't have control over whether or not the page will print; that is determined by the settings of your local computer. Here are a few suggestions:
- Try to save the page by going to File -> Save As and saving it as a local file. Then close your browser and try to open it again and print it.
- You can save a screen shot and print it.
If at any time during the test you clicked outside of the test window (e.g., you responded checked your email), then the application will lose focus, and the IAT will stop responding to and recording your keystrokes. In order to fix this, simply move your mouse over the box in the middle of the screen (your cursor may disappear), and then click.